For mounting electronic components, two technologies are typically used. These include through-hole technology and surface-mount technology. While both technologies achieve the desired outcome, their processes and advantages are unique.
Through-Hole Technology
For this particular mounting method, leads are inserted into drilled holes on a bare printed circuit board (PCB). In addition to being referred to as thru-hole, this method is known as through-hole PCB. After being inserted, the leads are then soldered to pads located on the opposite side using an automated insertion mount machine or by manual assembly. Ultimately, the leads are present on both sides of a printed circuit board.
Since leads run through holes in a component, this technology produces strong components. Especially for high-reliability products that require strength between layers, it can withstand more environmental stress compared to the surface-mount technology. Through-hole is also more beneficial for certain applications, including prototyping and testing whereby replacements and adjustments are made by hand.
Contact Details:
Star Engineering, Inc
1 Vaillancourt Drive, North Attleboro,
Massachusetts 2763
Phone No: 508-316-1492