Surface mount technology (SMT) is a method of designing electrical circuits that involves mounting required circuit components directly to the Printed Circuit Board (PCB). This is in contrast to older assembly options, such as through-hole technology which were used prior to the advancement of tools for consistently crafting a reliable surface mount device. Given that this is now a far more accessible option for companies, there are a number of reasons to opt for the surface mount technology process over other circuitry methodologies.
Improved Accuracy
Using reliable manufacturers and seeking out those who are skilled in SMT assemblies allows for incredible accuracy and precision in crafting your product. With the right surface mount technology process, your device can be created using smaller components, and increased precision of placement. In fact, as of 2017, these components measured 0.25 millimetres. The more accurate the device placement, the better your PCB can perform, and the more consistent the results it can yield.
Increased Density
In addition to being able to place the components more precisely, SMT allows components to be placed on both sides of the board and at a much higher density. This means you can fit more devices in the same amount of space as what through hole would allow. Furthermore, each of these components has the space for more connections, as there are no holes blocking routing space.
Contact Details:
Star Engineering, Inc, 1 Vaillancourt Drive, North Attleboro, Massachusetts 02763 Phone No: 508-316-1492 Email: